Every year, through our
Community Partnership Program, Regional Australia Bank enables members to directly support the local groups that play such a vital role in our communities.
One of those groups is Lamb Jumpers, which has been helping keep poddy lambs warm while enhancing the farming community.
Knitting Jumpers to Save Orphan Lambs from the Cold
Back in July 2018, regional NSW was in the grips of drought – and Marie Knight OAM began seeing more and more stories of farmers trying to save poddy (orphan) lambs, who were suffering due to the cold.
Lambs are unable to control their body temperature when they are little, and poddy lambs, without their mother’s help to keep them protected from the elements, can suffer badly.
“I’ve always put little jumpers on our poddies,” says Coonabarabran-based farmer Marie.
“At that time, we had more poddies than usual, and my mother’s knitting group had made me extra jumpers – so I offered the spares online to anyone who wanted them to keep their poddies warm, and we had 100 requests that day.”
After speaking to Sally Bryant on ABC Rural Radio to raise awareness, Marie set up a Facebook page and received 700 requests in the first week

Keeping lambs in jumpers
Fast forward five years, and Marie and her group of knitters have given more than 360,000 lamb jumpers to farmers – as well as other items including beanies, food, baby goods, and donations.
“Giving to help others was all this was about,” Marie explains.
“I love sheep, my life on the land and especially poddy lambs. Our knitters love to help, and the farmers love the jumpers – they really work.”
A strong sense of community has been created by Lamb Jumpers, and the group continues to play a major role in supporting and helping the farming community.
“The highlight of the whole thing is the community that has been created, and the support given to so many – hearing stories from farmers about how that parcel of jumpers, made with such love, helped them get through some very hard times.”
Regional Australia Bank is a proud supporter of Lamb Jumpers, as part of the Community Partnership Program, and looks forward to playing a role in helping more poddy lambs find safety and warmth.