Car Insurance

Three levels of competitive car insurance policies to keep you on the road and that suits your needs and budget.

Claims lodgement
Insuring Australians

Cars mean many different things to many different people. For some it’s a hobby, it’s a people mover, a teenager’s taxi, a product of mid-life crisis or merely a mode of transport to get you from A to B. Lucky our partner in Car Insurance CGU offers a range of covers to choose from dependent on you, your car and how you use it.


This covers both your own vehicle and any damage caused to others, and comes with a range of optional extras.

Third Party Fire and Theft:

This covers you if you cause damage to another vehicle, or if your car is stolen or catches fire.


Third Party Property:

This covers the cost of damage to another person’s property or vehicle.

Product Details

Features Rental vehicle cover Uninsured motorist damage (not at-fault collision with an uninsured motorist) Earned No Claim Bonus protection New car replacement Hire car after theft Windscreen extension Trailer cover Emergency or temporary repairs Towing and transport of your vehicle Removal of debris Personal items Recoding of locks and barrels after theft of keys Baby capsules and child seats Storage costs Comprehensive Yes Yes - full cover Yes Yes - up to three years old Yes Yes - optional Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Third Party fire and theft Yes Yes - up to $5,000 cover No No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Third party property Yes Yes - up to $5,000 cover No No No No No No No No No No No No
This table is a summary of highlighted features and benefits only. Please refer to the CGU Motor Vehicle Insurance Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Policy for full terms and conditions. General insurance issued by Insurance Australia Limited ABN 11 000 016 722 AFSL 227681 trading as CGU Insurance. Any advice is general advice only and does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs (“Your Personal Circumstances”). Before using this advice to decide whether to purchase the insurance policy, you should consider your personal circumstances, the relevant Product Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determination, available on this website. Regional Australia Bank acts as an intermediary of CGU.