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When you share data with us

Data we ask you to share

To provide you with some banking services, we might ask you to share information you have with other CDR Data Holders such as other banks, energy companies or telcos.

You do not need to be a Regional Australia Bank customer for this to happen.

Illustration of a person plugging her Regional Australia Bank account with another bank 

Data we might ask you to share with us

Online lending

The types of CDR data we may ask you to share will vary according to the service we are offering. To streamline online lending, we'll ask for Transaction Details and Account Balance and details. We will use this information to assist in the lending process. We are also required to keep this information for the life of the loan, after which point it is deleted.

Transaction details

Incoming and outgoing transactions


Who you have sent money to and received money from (e.g. their name)


Descriptions of transactions

Account balance and details

Name of account

Account balance

Interest rates


Account mail address

Type of account

Account number


Account terms

Other services

Other services we offer might provide you with the option to choose whichever types of data you like, including those shown below. We'll always tell you if we need a particular type of information.to deliver our service to you.

Name, occupation, contact details




Email address

Mail address

Residential address

Direct debits and scheduled payments

Direct debits

Scheduled payments

Saved payees

Names and details of accounts you have saved

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